Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snow, snow, and more snow

So I woke up to about 2-3 inches of snow this morning- not too bad.  By the time I got to work we had about 5.5 inches.  Up where Jason goes to school they ended up with about 12 inches so his school got called out, along with many other dozens in the area.  Since he was out of school he had to keep the kids- it's the way our daycare assistance works.

I know he's having a blast because he called and told me he was headed to his mom's to get help.  Matthew broke our exersaucer this morning and I haven't been home to see the damage but apparently Benjamin also spit up on it twice and "nearly filled up the tray around it" according to Jason.

I would have loved to stay home with my boys and cuddle up and stay warm today but it wasn't in the cards.  We ended up getting close to 8 inches here where I work and we had a lot of people not make it in at all or coming in late this morning so I ended up manning the help desk phones for about an hour and a half until we had enough people to handle it.  For that reason I'm thankful I made it in.  It would have been bad for people to be calling and no one here to answer. 

I just started this "Biggest Loser" competition at work.  We're doing it for 12 weeks and whoever loses the highest percentage of body weight each week wins.  I doubt I'll really lose any but I thought I might be a little bit more motivated if more people were doing it and we could hold each other accountable.  We'll see how it goes. 

So I can't wait to get home and love up my babies.  It's so great to get home and have Matthew giving me hugs and Benjamin giving me little gummy toothless grins.  I just eat it up!  I really do miss them when I'm at work during the day, but staying home with them all day drives me batty so I have to strive for a happy medium there.  I love baby giggles!

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